5th Annual Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup on River Road


Thanks to the hard work of the BTC Adopt-A-Road team, we completed the clean up of the section of River road from Sleights Rd to Garfield on April 15th.  Two team members (Ted & Margaret) had already cleaned up the stretch from the first bridge to Garfield.  The intrepid team (Tom, Bob S, Bob G, Andrew, Jim, Karen and Jen) started at Boardman Plains Rd and finished at the first bridge next to the Railroad bridge.  Although there were no hot tubs this year, we found a bicycle & the regular assortment of bottles, plastic bags, straws, cups, auto wreckage, tires etc.  The whole effort took about  20 garbage bags! This was the 5th year BTC has completed the River road clean up & we’re happy to report that we’ve seen an improvement from the early years.  River Road provides access to the middle and upper sections of the Boardman and it’s important to clean it up each year before recreational usage of the river kicks off.